Hi, Meleana!
I'm sorry it's been a while since I posted. Life has been so busy since your baby sister was born and I went back to work. But don't worry! I will be on vacation soon and will be able to spend lots of time with you, Daddy, and Therese.
You are now almost 1 year and 8 months old. You do and say so many more things now! I think you inherited Daddy's humor, his love for dancing, and the ability to entertain yourself.
You talk a lot (most words in your conversations we can't understand yet, but you're definitely saying something!). And you do like to repeat words and phrases that Mommy and Daddy say to you - you're so smart!
Your favorite shows now are Yo Gabba Gabba, Jon and Kate Plus 8, Sid the Science Kid, and Veggie Tales. A couple of days ago, you were doing the "Freeze dance" from Yo Gabba - it was pretty funny!
You also say two complete sentences: "Hi, sister!" and "I poopoo". Last week you started saying "Therese". I'm so glad you love your baby sister. You are always aware of her in the room, going to check on her, and trying to play with her. You like to greet her with "Hi, sister!" and you pinch her clothes, saying "Doop!" I don't know what it means, but you always laugh after you do that!
On Memorial Day, we took you to Splash with your cousins, and you had so much fun going down the Lazy River. You were floating along in your swimming vest saying, "Wheee! Wheee!" In a couple of weeks we'll be going to Lawrence Welk with Lola and we can take you swimming again!
Sometimes I get sad when I realize that you're not a baby anymore, but we're looking forward to watching you grow up and go through the different phases of life.
Until next time!
The Heart of a Woman
12 years ago
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